
Marvel’s Avengers Patch Notes Reveal Final Hero Updates


Marvel’s Avengers got its final content update right at the end of March, an update which opened up the marketplace to give people access to tons of different cosmetics. The same update fixed a ton of bugs and made things generally more agreeable for players as far as progression goes, too, while also making a number of balance changes for the game’s heroes. Those changes did indeed go live last week when the update was released, but there was one problem: the patch notes left out the hero changes, so it wasn’t immediately clear what all these buffs did, exactly.

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Crystal Dynamics has now fixed that problem by updating the patch notes several days later with the extensive range of buffs applied to the heroes. From Black Panther to Thor and everything in between, you can see the full balance updates for the heroes below:

Black Panther

Like both Captain America and the Winter Soldier, Black Panther can now activate an accelerated sprint by activating his Panther Cowl defensive ability when traversing with sprint. No intrinsic is spent on use, but the meter must not be empty.

Black Panther’s Formidable Opponent intrinsic ability upgrade now reduces the amount of intrinsic meter depleted when attempting to block or failing to parry a strong or unblockable attack from 50% to 65%.

Captain America

  • Captain America’s Assault Heroic Ability, ‘Steamroller,’ has received an update to its specializations and itemization.
    • Specialization ‘Concussive Strike’ has been combined with the Tide Breaker specialization. Tide Breaker now deals 25% increased Heroic Attack and Stun damage on both the initial attack and follow-up attack.
    • Specialization ‘Concussive Strike’ has been replaced with ‘I Can Do This All Day.’ ‘I Can Do This All Day’ temporarily provides unlimited Shield Block energy upon activating Steamroller. Allowing near infinite offensive and defensive Intrinsic opportunities while the buff is active.
    • Specialization ‘Second Wind’ now has a chance to drop Regen packs on hit instead of on enemy defeat. Tougher enemies have a higher chance to drop Regen Packs—allowing this specialization to have a more active effect in endgame encounters.
    • Specialization ‘Vanguard Charge’ now has a chance to drop Heroic Orbs on hit instead of on enemy defeat. Tougher enemies have a higher chance to drop Heroic Orbs—allowing this specialization to have a more active effect in endgame encounters.
    • Specialization ‘Everyday Hero’ now has a chance to drop Intrinsic Orbs on hit instead of on enemy defeat. Tougher enemies have a higher chance to drop Intrinsic Orbs—allowing this specialization to have a more active effect in endgame encounters.
    • ‘Steamroller’ will now apply Status Damage unlocked through Gear Perks on Ranged Attacks.

Kate Bishop

  • Kate Bishop’s base Overcharge duration on ‘Quantum Surge’ has been increased from 5 seconds to 10 seconds.
  • We’ve fixed various fidelity glitches and performance issues with Kate Bishop’s ‘Decoy’ Heroic Ability commonly experienced during combat, including vanishing arrows and animation misalignments.
  • To bring Kate Bishop’s Heroic Gameplay and Gear Itemization into balance, ‘Quantum Overdrive’ now incorporates all equipped Status Effect gear perks into the Heroic Buff. Quantum Arrows, Charged Quantum Arrows, and the Quantum Energy Bolts now inherit all Status Effect damage applied by Razor Arrows, Scatter Shot Arrows, or Explosive Arrows. Additionally, all Lightweight and Heavyweight Status Effect gear perks now applies Status Effect on Quantum Scythe projectiles when activating Combo Finishers.


  • Hulk’s ‘Bounding Jump’ may now be activated from a standing jump and without holding forward. This should allow easier traversal reaching platforms directly above Hulk without repositioning.
  • Hulk’s tolerance to enemy attacks has increased while grabbing enemies. Hulk will continue to hold on to grabbed enemies when struck with lighter attacks but will drop enemies on attacks with stronger reactions.

Iron Man

  • We’ve reviewed Energy Costs on all Iron Man attacks using Repulsors, Lasers, and Rockets and have heavily scaled these numbers down to improve Iron Man’s intrinsic economy during combat. We’ve detailed the changes as followed.
    • All Repulsor Energy Costs have been reduced by 75%.
    • All Laser Energy Costs have been reduced by 60%.
    • All Rocket Energy Costs have been reduced by 50%.
    • The Repulsor Efficiency ranged specialization has been increased from 10% to 25%.
    • The Laser Efficiency ranged specialization has been increased from 10% to 20%.
    • The Rocket Efficiency ranged specialization has been increased from 10% to 15%.
  • Iron Man’s ‘Afterburner’ Skill now remains active once held and released, like sprint. This decision to change the action to a toggle should increase the quality of life for our console players—increasing its maneuverability both in and out of combat. In line with the new updates, the intrinsic cost of these abilities has been removed as well.

Ms. Marvel

  • Ms. Marvel’s immunity to Knockdown and Knockback has been boosted and should now resist interruption from more impactful enemy attacks.


  • All Bosses may now receive Web Damage from Spider-Man. Webbed Bosses are not restrained when webbed and can’t stick to ceilings or walls. However, all skills and gear perks that enhance attacks and damage against webbed targets can now activate on any webbed Bosses.

Thor & Mighty Thor

  • Both Thors’ ‘Speed Burst’ Skills now remain active once held and released, like sprint. This decision to change the action to a toggle should increase the quality of life for our console players—increasing its maneuverability both in and out of combat. In line with the new updates, the intrinsic cost of these abilities has been removed as well.